Friday 19 April 2013

Fishkeeping is relaxing...Fact or Myth?

So I've been keeping fish continuously for just over ten years now and there are times when I really couldn't tell you the answer to this question I have posed.

In my heyday of breeding where I was maintaining upwards of 30 tanks, relaxing was certainly not at the top of the list of descriptors.  Exciting, heartbreaking, laborious definitely but way.

And it certainly isn't relaxing when I hear the disapproval in my OH's voice as I spill some dirty fishwater on the clean floor or try to 'sneak' another fish related purchase into the house!

Water changes, ammonia spikes, white spot, bacterial bloom!  Who could relax with all of that stress!

Is it all worth it?  Well, actually, yes it is.  I can't think of any other hobby where I can create a replica Amazon rainforest or Rift Valley lake in my own living room.  And all of that other stuff I mentioned has really only been a minor distraction in comparison to the joy and wonder this hobby brings me.

At the end of a long days work or when my brain  won't switch off from an issue I'm trying solve, I cant' think of anything better to do than sit with my fish and relax.

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